This is Myra, the cleaning woman at the building were I work, and her daughter on Halloween. Her daughter is dressed as a little Marshallese girl. They were only letting 100 Marshallese on the island for Halloween, so Myra was lucky to get her name on the list. It was kind of funny to see the Marshallese kids trick and treating because they really had no concept of what the holiday is about. Just go door to door, say some gibberish words in a language they can't understand, and get candy! I tried to get Myra's little girl a costume, but the local store here didn't have anything her size. The Marshallese kids didn't dress-up anyway, it was all about the candy.
A little after the photo was taken, a monsoon hit. Man, it was pouring! Some kids broke out their Kwaj rain gear, clear trash bags with head and arm holes cut out. Most just got wet. It was insane. The wind, the rain, I was expecting everyone to just call it a night. Everyone continued to trick or treat. Halloween decorations were flying everywhere in the wind, candy bags were getting full of water.I was soaked to the bone. Craziness. If I wasn't there, I wouldn't believe that people would be trick or treating in that weather.
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